Rowan County Sheriff’s Department involved in shootout today on Old Concord Rd. The suspect, Kenneth Vickers, was pronounced dead on the scene. Vickers shot at deputies as they tried to apprehend him after he failed to return to court after a short break. Vickers was out on bond for charges in Cabarrus County.
Statement from Sheriff
"On Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at approximately 1:15 pm, Deputies with the Rowan County Sheriff's Office were assisting the Cabarrus County Sheriff’s Office in attempting to serve an order for arrest on Kenneth Vickers on Old Concord Road.
As deputies approached the residence, at some point, they encountered Vickers in a shed beside of the residence. Vickers fired a handgun at the deputies at which time they returned fire. He was pronounced dead on the scene.
Vickers had been convicted in Cabarrus County Court on Friday May 24, 2024, on 6 counts of Statutory Sex Offense, and 6 counts of Indecent Liberties. Vickers, who was out on bond, left during a break and did not return to court.
Deputies with the Cabarrus County Sheriff’s Office were not involved in the actual shooting, and no deputies were injured. As is standard protocol in officer involved shootings, the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigations is investigating this incident."