Statement from Kannapolis Police Department
"Kannapolis Police are requesting your assistance in identifying this person. He may have details regarding a homicide that occurred in the city last week. The photo was posted to a Instagram social media account with the name, “darichestyoungin_”. This account has since been deactivated by the account user.
Last week, on July 16, 2024, the Kannapolis Police Department responded to the 600 block of Caribbean Court in reference to shots fired in the area.
Upon their arrival, officers found Damien Carter Senesaynho,18, of Salisbury deceased at the scene from an apparent gunshot wound.
If you have any information regarding this person and the ongoing homicide investigation, please contact Sergeant Alex Quigley at 704-920-4048 (aquigley@kannapolisnc.gov) or Investigator Arthur Reid at 704-920-4070 (areid@kannapolisnc.gov).
To remain anonymous and be eligible for a reward, the public may also contact Cabarrus Area Crime Stoppers at 704-93-CRIME or go to www.cabarruscrimestoppers.com. All information given to Crime Stoppers is completely anonymous. Information leading to the location and arrest of any wanted offenders may qualify the tipster for a reward of up to $1,000. All calls, texts, and emails are masked and cannot be traced to ensure anonymity."
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