- Bentley, Tristan Todd (W /M/31)
- Charges:
1. Obtain Property by False Pretense (F)
2. Fail to Work After Paid (M)
- Location of Arrest: 200-BLK N Main St, Salisbury, NC
- Date and Time of Arrest: 6/17/2024 15:39
- Woodard, Nicholas Vincent (B /M/37)
- Charges:
1. Trafficking In Marijuana (F)
2. Maintain Vehicle/Dwelling/Place for Controlled Substances (F)
- Location of Arrest: 100-BLK W Liberty St, Salisbury, NC
- Date and Time of Arrest: 6/17/2024 12:58
- Caudill, Ngan Pham (A /F/26)
- Charge:
1. Driving While Impaired (M)
- Location of Arrest: I-85 @ Mm 68, China Grove, NC
- Date and Time of Arrest: 6/17/2024 01:15
- Harrison, Jennifer Casey (W /F/40)
- Charges:
1. Obtain Controlled Substance By Fraud/Forgery (F)
2. Obtain Controlled Substance By Fraud/Forgery (F)
3. Obtain Controlled Substance By Fraud/Forgery (F)
- Location of Arrest: 400-BLK Coup Ln, China Grove, NC
- Date and Time of Arrest: 6/17/2024 15:59

- Russell, Teddy Loveatte (B /M/30)
- Charges:
1. Driving While Impaired (M)
2. Littering 15-500 Lbs (M)
3. Flee To Elude - Felony (F)
4. Speeding (M)
5. Reckless Driving To Endanger (M)
6. Drive Left Of Center-pass Right (M)
7. Failure To Stop At Stoplight (M)
8. Failure To Stop At Stop Sign (M)
9. Fail To Wear Seat Belt -driver (M)
10. Lane Change Signal Violation (M)
11. Fail To Maintain Lane Control (M)
- Location of Arrest: I 85
- Date and Time of Arrest: 6/17/2024 03:51

- Collins, Clint Lee (W /M/40)
- Charges:
1. Larceny (M)
2. Failure To Appear/comply (M)
- Location of Arrest: 100-BLK Andrews St, Spencer, NC
- Date and Time of Arrest: 6/17/2024 17:50

- Hijin, Keiyenne Mynx (B /M/38)
- Charge: Contributing To The Delinquency Of A Minor (M)
- Location of Arrest: 500-BLK Lincolnton Rd, Salisbury, NC
- Date and Time of Arrest: 6/17/2024 22:54