Name: Christian Fran Rodriguez-Vega
Age/Gender/Race: 27 / Male / White
Arrest Date: 12/01/2024
Arrest Location: 100-BLK Milford Hills Rd, Salisbury, NC
1. Assault on Female (M)
2. Crime of Domestic Violence (M)

Name: Harold Andrew Caldwell
Age/Gender/Race: 62 / Male / Black
Arrest Date: 12/01/2024
Arrest Location: 300-BLK S Arlington St, Salisbury, NC
1. Assault on Government Official (M)
2. Larceny (Misdemeanor) (M)
3. Resist, Obstruct, Delay Officer - Non-Assault (M)

Name: Sidney W. Williams
Age/Gender/Race: 40 / Male / Black
Arrest Date: 12/01/2024
Arrest Location: 600-BLK Mocksville Ave, Salisbury, NC
1. First Degree Kidnapping (F)
2. Robbery With Firearms or Other Dangerous Weapons (F)
3. Robbery With Firearms or Other Dangerous Weapons (F)
4. Common Law Robbery (F)
5. Assault by Pointing a Gun (M)
6. Assault by Pointing a Gun (M)
7. Assault on Government Official (M)
8. Resist, Obstruct, Delay Officer - Non-Assault (M)
9. Flee to Elude - Felony (F)
10. Reckless Driving to Endanger (M)
11. Driving While License Revoked (Not Impaired Revocation) (M)

Name: Diovany Philistin
Age/Gender/Race: 45 / Male / Black
Arrest Date: 12/01/2024
Arrest Location: Davidson County, NC
1. Accessory After the Fact (F)
2. Felony Conspiracy (F)


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